12. Aurora Agent Util

Aurora Agent Util provides utility functions that are not centered around the detection logic:

  • Updating Aurora and its signatures

  • Encrypting custom signatures

  • Excluding "noisy" processes

  • Creating a diagnostics pack with debugging information

12.1. Updating Aurora

There are two commands for Aurora Agent Util to update:

  • update updates Aurora's signatures. The program files are unaffected and will not be updated.

  • upgrade upgrades the Aurora fully, both program files and signatures.

Both commands only affect the directory that contains the executable unless --restart-service is specified. --restart-service requires Aurora to have been installed with --install previously and will restart the service to reload the updated files.


C:\Program Files\Aurora-Agent>aurora-agent-util.exe update
C:\Program Files\Aurora-Agent>aurora-agent-util.exe upgrade --restart-service

12.2. Encrypting Signatures

You can encrypt your custom signatures (either IOCs or sigma rules) with the encrypt command to avoid them being flagged by an Antivirus or to protect them from hostile reads on a potentially compromised system. Aurora will decrypt them at startup.

The encrypted versions of the passed signatures will be placed next to the unencrypted signatures, with a different extension.

Encrypted signatures can be passed to Aurora just like unencrypted ones: Via the custom-signatures folder, or by specifying them with --rules-path / --ioc-path.


C:\Program Files\Aurora-Agent>aurora-agent-util.exe encrypt path/to/my/sigmarule.yml path/to/my/other/sigmarule.yml

12.3. Excluding Processes

The exclude command requires a running Aurora Agent. It will connect to that Agent for status information about the processes that created the most events and will run a dialogue to comfortably add exclusions for some of these processes.


C:\Program Files\Aurora-Agent>aurora-agent-util.exe exclude

This function is just a more comfortable alternative to adding the exclusions manually in the respective Process Exclusions file.

12.4. Creating a Diagnostics Pack

The diagnostics command creates a ZIP file with several files that can be analyzed by us in case of issues. If you encounter an issue, the first step is usually sending us this diagnostics pack along with a description of the issues.


C:\Program Files\Aurora-Agent>aurora-agent-util.exe diagnostics

The diagnostics pack includes the status output, service startup logs (if available) and memory profiles that can be analyzed with the help of pprof.